What is The Winningest about?


The fact is most of use are not operating at the Winningest Level in our Wellness and Wealth. 75% of people are overweight or obese and those aged 55-65 have only saved 12% of what they need to fund a secure retirement. That’s because most of us have not gotten the right information or had a system to assure success. This leads people to confusion, setbacks, and not having “The Good Life” we all deserve.


The Winningest System simplifies your weight-loss and your investment success providing you with the right information at the right time to have consistent positive results. We get so much bad information from the media and advertising it is hard to separate truth from error.  The Winningest System provides a turn-key solution for both wealth and weightloss to detoxify you from all the bad information and reprogram you with the right data!


Why do some people know exactly what they want? They have the good life, plenty of money, amazing relationships, and exceptional health and fitness while others struggle at everything they do in life?

The Winningest means exactly  that: Winning Most Often!


You can become 


How it works?


What The Winningest Say:


Weight-Loss / Wellness/ Wealth

 All included in one price.


Learn to master the right information, and apply knowledge exercising truth from error. Become your own financial and health expert and increase your wealth.


We teach you a bulletproof system with the exact and proper steps (protocols) to take in order to live longer, live better, and have the GOOD LIFE.


Increase your life quality and expectancy while learning to make the right decisions at the right time through a proper understanding of wealth, wellness and weight-loss.


We tailor the masterclass to meet your needs and offer customized strategies and protocols to improve your mental, physical,and financial health. Weight loss requires 1 thing above all else and we give you the best detox protocol to heal yoru cells and allow for long term weight loss and better overall health.


You have to want to be “The Winningest”! If that is what you want? You have the opportunity to gain advanced financial and health knowledge with books, courses, events, in a proven systematic approach to deliver just that regardless of your current level of situation and inspire of your past.


We provide you with the best quality education through video classes, easily accessible downloadable content for absolute efficiency, a diverse shop to access wellness, weight-loss, and wealth related products to assist you with ascension to The Winningest Level. You can have the Good Life. The choice is yours.



It is not what you think you know about Winning; that is the problem. It is what you think you know that is not so. The books, masterclasses and protocols are designed to show you the way forward in your health and your wealth with valuable information gathered by Dr. Adam Wynns.

You simply need the will to become The Winningest and want this more than anything else with complete focus.  The masterclasses along with the protocol are the only success  guidebook you will ever need as you will learn to have repeatable wins that you can maintain for the long term.  You’ll learn how to not only identify and create “The Good Life” but how to reach the highest levels of success and attain “The Winningest” level in both your wealth and wellness.

The tools and knowledge obtained in the masterclass, when followed correctly, will unleash The Winningest in you. The dictionary.com describes “The Winningest” as: Winning most often. Ultimately it is also defined as having achieved the most success in competition. Life is a game and the ultimate battle with yourself as the only opponent. Your only job is to create. Life consists of winners and losers; which one you become is your choice alone. This is the path to becoming The Winningest!

We have helped thousands of people become THE WINNINGEST, fund and design the lifestyle that they have always dreamed of, through our high quality masterclasses, financial, wellness, and weight-loss products, and the opportunities to work directly with our team.

The masterclass contains intelligent information gained from those that have achieved the highest levels of success to become THE WINNINGEST in wellness and wealth.

To become the Winningest, you must know “exactly” what you want in order to get it, to ultimately achieve your goal. There is no other way; you do not need gurus, coaches, or another self-help book to get you toThe Winningest Level and become your own guru. This system is a tool to empower you to the highest levels in life.

If you want to lose weight and regain your health as well as increase your wealth. The Winningest is for you! We have multiple protocols for successful weight loss to regain your overall health in addition to amazing financial products that allow your money to work for you not the other way around!

There is a mathematical and scientific way to become The Winningest and have the Good Life. It all starts with knowing what you want. Do you want to be THE WINNINGEST? Yes? Then Enroll today!

The tools and knowledge obtained in the masterclass, when followed correctly, will unleash The Winningest in you. The dictionary.com describes “The Winningest” as: Winning most often. Ultimately it is also defined as having achieved the most success in competition. Life is a game and the ultimate battle with yourself as the only opponent. Your only job is to create. Life consists of winners and losers; which one you become is your choice alone.


When dealing with your health and wealth it’s never how much it costs. The thing to focus on is how much you will gain!